

Time: 5-10 minutes (plus 3-5 hours in the fridge)
Difficulty: Easy
Child Friendly: starstarstarstarstar


  • 15 digestive biscuits (crushed)
  • 15 marshmallows (quartered)
  • 15 glacé cherries ( halved)
  • 160 ml condensed milk
  • desiccated coconut (for rolling)*

* Note: the desiccated coconut is used traditionally (well as traditional as you can get for a recipe featuring digestive biscuits) but I had to substitute it for crushed almonds which still provided a similar texture.

Everything needed to make fifteens. Helper optional.

making fifteens kids recipe

I decided to make some fifteens with Ariya on Sunday. She recently got her British Passport and in order to complete her initiation I felt she needed to go through the time honoured ritual of making fifteens a classic Norn Irish Treat. Which is easy to make and also pretty tasty.

Equipment needed:

  • Wooden spoon (for mixing and crushing the digestives)
  • Mixing bowl
  • Greaseproof paper


Step 1: Crush the digestives in a mixing bowl


This was the most fun step for her.

Step 2: Add the condensed milk, halved cherries and marshmallows

Eat a sneaky marshmallow if you want.


Step 3: Mix!


Until you have something that looks like this:


Step 4: Roll it out on greaseproof paper into a sausage shape. Sprinkle the coconut/almond around it.


Admittedly it’s not that appealing here.

Step 5: Roll it up in the paper and stick it in the fridge for a few hours till it hardens.

Step 6: Cut and Eat.


Ariya had ran half way through the process of making it because her granny had came back so I had to finish making it and eating it by myself.