Top Hats

Time: 5-10 minutes (plus 3-4 hours in the fridge)
Difficulty: Very Easy
Child Friendly: starstarstarstar (just have to be careful when melting the chocolate)


  • 160g Chocolate
  • marshmallows
  • smarties/m&m’s

Note: Only 3 ingredients for this recipe so it’s very simple. The number of top hats you can make depends on the bun cases. I couldn’t find any small ones, which are preferably, so we made fewer top hats.

Everything needed to make top hats. Again helper optional.

I  had forgotten all about these treats until my aunt suggested them on Facebook. They are very quick to make and with potentially less mess than the fifteens. They aren’t as child friendly to make because of the heat needed to melt the hot chocolate. It is possible to do it in the microwave but I went for the double boiler method.

Equipment needed:

  • Wooden spoon/Spatula (for mixing and putting the chocolate into the bun cases)
  • A saucepan and a metal/glass bowl (to make the double boiler)
  • Bun cases (preferably smaller ones)


Step 1: Break the chocolate into small pieces in a metal bowl so they melt faster

Note: Taste testing the chocolate here is optional but highly recommend.

Step 2: Half fill a saucepan with water, put the bowl of chocolate on top and add heat.

Stir occasionally to make sure all the chocolate has melted.

Step 3: Pour the melted chocolate into the bun cases.

No pictures here since my hands were busy so you have to use your imagination

Step 4: Put the marshmallow on top of the chocolate. Add another bit of melted chocolate on top and an m&m or smart on top of that so you get something that looks like this:

Step 5: Stick it in the fridge for a few hours till it hardens.

Step 6: Enjoy.

Not sure how much credit she deserves. Every time I gave her a marshmallow to put on top of the chocolate it just went into her mouth.

ADVANCED STEP: If you don’t have enough melted chocolate for another top hat or just enjoy living life on the edge you can try and make something like this!


I really should have taken a picture after it had finished solidifying. This picture doesn’t do it justice.