
I spent almost an hour creating my own Colour By Numbers St. Patrick’s Day worksheet because I wanted to have something that I personally made and could brand and then share. Then, as I was putting the final touches on the pot of gold, that horrible little blue spinny circle appeared on the screen. I thought it was just loading the changes I made but then Photoshop crashed on me completely before I saved my work. Luck of the Irish…

Anyway, I dug around the internet and there are plenty of places with great resources. I have an account with and found some St. Patrick’s Day related worksheets for toddlers there that I thought I would share here. I only seen ones for maths which is fine since Ariya is getting better at recognising numbers and working on her counting skills. I thought that if the pages would be of benefit to her and they might be of some use to you and your wee one as well. Hopefully won’t have a problem with me sharing this stuff… Their name is still on the pages so it should be ok.

Download the 3 Page St-Paddy’s Workbooklet Here